Mustafa Chowdhury

Mustafa Chowdhury completed a BA (Honours) and Masters in English Literature at Dhaka University. In Canada, he earned a Master’s in Library and Information Science from the University of Western Ontario and an MA in Canadian History from Carleton University. He retired in 2011 and has been involved in a number of organizations doing charity work. 

He has written many articles on Diversity, Equity, and Pluralism. He has authored three books:  ‘71-er Judhoshishu: Obidito Itihash’, ‘UNCONDITIONAL LOVE: Story of 1971 War Babies’, ‘Picking Up the Pieces: 1971 War Babies’ Odyssey from Bangladesh to Canada’. 

Mustafa has been living in Canada since 1972.

Books by Mustafa Chowdhury

’71 er Juddhoshishu