Subrata Kumar Das

Subrata Kumar Das

To me Subrata Kumar Das, the celebrated author and erudite scholar, is history, as well as, mystery. History, not in the sense of being past and dead, but in the sense of being present and thriving.  Subrata made history in Bangladesh in the past, is making history at present in Canada and, I believe, will make history in future wherever he will be under the sun.

Margaret Atwood’s  Survival- A Milestone

Margaret Atwood’s  Survival- A Milestone

Canadian literature – what is that?  Is it the imagination of a few dreamers or does it really have some real existence? Even if it is taken for granted that there is something called Canadian literature in reality, that there is, in fact, a quantum of literature and that it is mostly written in English , then is that so called Canadian literature is in reality a shadow or a poor imitation of the English literature on both sides of the Atlantic ocean…

The Sensational Pedagogies: The Means of the True Knowledge

The Sensational Pedagogies: The Means of the True Knowledge

My interest in sensational pedagogy in Bangladesh is twofold. First, I would like to explore if the five senses are used in the pedagogy in some way, as innate and natural form of learning method.  Second, I want to make room for thinking about sensational pedagogy in a holistic and integrated manner in the Bangladesh context.

Immigration, adaptation and connecting the third generation to the motherland, Bangladesh

Immigration, adaptation and connecting the third generation to the motherland, Bangladesh

Immigration is an important step in human life. I consider marriage as the first instance of immigration and changing one’s own place of living from one place to another may also be considered as immigration but in a small scale. The large scale of immigration happens when people leave one country to another for a better style of living.

The Challenges of Bengali Language and Other Issues

The Challenges of Bengali Language and Other Issues

Like many other nations, the Bengali is not only a mixed-race but also coalesced into one great nation living in the greater Bengal, and so is its language. When people of this region, especially Bangladeshis, talk in their regional dialects, then the language becomes gobbledygook to be understood by the people of other regions unless they speak in the bookish language.

The world of Shakespeare

The world of Shakespeare

If literature is the mirror of a society the art of Shakespeare’s story telling is the picture of a human heart. The high opinion in which Shakespeare has been held since the middle of the eighteenth century has often led to evaluate his literary merits in such a way which is not confined to the usual literary status. To me it’s much more than that. 

Bangladesh: Society, Politics and Literary Traditions

Bangladesh: Society, Politics and Literary Traditions

The geographic area that now forms what is known as Bangladesh was the larger part of a province in Pre-British and British India, called Bengal. This was also the home of a major ethno-linguistic group in India, the Bengalis. As a part of greater India, history, tradition and even researches on Bengal are therefore closely inter-linked with rest of India.

Love, Religion, and Humanity

Love, Religion, and Humanity

Before you start reading, please keep in mind that the topic of this article is quite controversial. Some of you may not agree with my perspectives, and that is fine; I am not asking for everyone to approve my viewpoints. All I ask is that- please keep an open mind while reading. The content is not meant to offend anyone, therefore…

Voices from Canadian Bengali Literati: A Snapshot

Voices from Canadian Bengali Literati: A Snapshot

Toronto is one of the major cities of the North America where thousands of Bengalis live in. From Bengali populace point of view, Toronto is most probably second to New York in the North American zone. Like the Bengalis of NY, Torontonian Bengalis do have vibrant community activities among which literary initiatives are also worth mentioning.

A Decade with Dr. Dilip Chakraborty

A Decade with Dr. Dilip Chakraborty

In the year 2014, when I first met Dr. Dilip Chakraborty, he was only 77. I was then completing my 50th and it was my maiden year in Canada. Every week I would get opportunities to meet many new people, and successfully utilise my time in networking with them. One day Sujit Kusum Paul, who was by then not yet recognised as a Yeats scholar,